1:1 Coaching

Find Strength in the simplicity of your humanness!

In my sessions you will experience non-authoritarian new ways of facilitation. I will accompany you with exploration of your momentary experience through co-regulatory practices. We create a relational space in which you feel safe therefore tap into self-regulation, resiliency and agency. In each  session through cultivating  nervous system resiliency you will grow self-organisation skills and cultivate agency. 

Becoming more present in the moment, you have a chance to cultivate attention skills and be present in your momentary experience. Through regular sessions, your nervous system gradually becomes more resilient, and you have a chance to embody attitudes of compassion, equanimity, friendliness, joy, gratitude, forgiveness, grief and assertiveness first of all towards yourself and second of all towards all for your close circles and potentially with a bigger societal group.

What you will potentially gain through  1:1 sessions

  • Self-regulation becoming more available, and being able to track your nervous system shifts, and finding ways to feel better in challenging experiences
  • Self-organisation becoming more available, gaining a sense of agency and acting towards meaningful personal goals
  • Stronger self esteem
  • Capacity to process loss, separation and grief
  • Cultivating capacity and skills to deal with conflict
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Thriving
  • Overall advanced wellbeing and sense of ease

Book a free intro call!

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